Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Wiki

Inventory items are given to you by characters after you reach Chapter 3 with them, with the exception of Dupree. Each item allow you to fast travel to the city where you first met that character.

Items List[ | ]

Item Name Description Received From Fast Travel Location
Blue Flame A glowing blue flame - the soul of a musician without choices Althea Nashville, TN
Paperback x August Seattle, WA
Carved Peach Pit x Bertha Los Angeles, CA
x x Cassady Chicago, IL
x x Dehaaya Shiprock, AZ
Pair of Bone Dice A pair of bone dice, loaded to roll snake eyes nearly every time. Dire Wolf Miami, FL
Metal horse x Fidelina Santa Fe, NM
Conductor's Pocket-watch A beautiful brass conductor's pocket-watch. It's broken, though, the hands stopped at 11:59. Franklin Cleveland, OH
Silver Acorn Bell An acorn that tinkles like a little silver bell whenever it moves. Jimmy Jacksonville, FL
Fools' gold A lump of glittering fools' gold, heavy, beautiful, and worthless Little Ben Richmond, VA
Bullet casing A shell casing from a bullet, worn by handling Mason Washington DC
Threadbare Bandana A bandana, threadbare and slightly greasy, smelling of woodsmoke and dogs. Quinn Boston, MA
Horse Bone Flute x Ray Denver, CO
x x Rocio El Paso, TX
Skull pendant x Rose Portland, OR
Heron Tail Feather A single long white heron's tailfeather with a black tip Shaw Birmingham, AL